Summer Semester 2022

For the second year, the CMIL Summer Research Program took place, a 9-week program for San Diego community/junior college students. During this time, students participated in marine science research alongside a graduate student mentor. CMIL graduate student projects...

Summer 2021 at CMIL

Despite the challenges of COVID, we’ve managed to continue cultivating our research and moving forward during the summer months here at CMIL. This quarter’s highlights include two successful internship programs, recognition of two of our faculty, and an...

Joseph Burch’s & Joe Gawlik’s Intern Blog

Going into our internship at CMIL, we really weren’t sure what to expect. This would be our first time working in an actual lab performing actual experiments. We quickly learned that CMIL is far more than just a Marine Biology Lab. When first walking into the Coastal...

Chloe Van Patten’s Intern Blog

Sea Urchins stink! No truly they do. Emma, who works at the CMIL lab showed me what she does twice a week, which involves taking a self pump vacuum and cleaning out the urchin tank. Those little things eat and eat and poop a lot, and boy do they smell. One of the very...

Spring 2021 Updates

As the SDSU Spring semester comes to a close, the CMIL our summer research season is just beginning, as many new researchers gear up to conduct field and laboratory research for the first time since the pandemic started. As we get ready for this busy time of year,...