As the SDSU Spring semester comes to a close, the CMIL our summer research season is just beginning, as many new researchers gear up to conduct field and laboratory research for the first time since the pandemic started. As we get ready for this busy time of year, let’s look back at everything that the CMI community has accomplished over the last few months:

Outreach Activities:


Awards & Grants:

Graduating Students:

  • Sara Rosenblatt – defended her thesis on February 26, entitled “Impacts of an invasive alga on recruitment of a temperate reef fish”
  • Erica Pollard – will be defending her thesis on May 27, entitled “Assessing variation in the dietary niche of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus

Internships & Jobs

  • Lauren Strope– Cabrillo National Monument Foundation Internship
  • Brayden Wiley – NSF REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) with the USC Wrigley Institute on Catalina Island
  • Candace Alagata – NOAA PIRO/PIFSC (Pacific Islands Regional Office and Fisheries Science Center) Summer Internship
  • Lee Harrison – Laboratory Assistant III for the SONGS artificial kelp reef mitigation monitoring team
  • Sara Rosenblatt – Marine Biological Technician/Consultant for Merkel & Associates
  • Erica Pollard – Benthic Ecologist for the U.S. NAVY

New Programs:

Lead by Ph.D. student Jessica Griffin, the new “CMIL Summer Research Program” with San Diego Mesa College undergraduate students will be kicking off on June 7. The goal of the program will be to provide research opportunities at SDSU’s CMIL for junior college students who may not have the same access to research opportunities as their colleagues at 4-yr colleges. Jessica received a grant from San Diego Mesa College to support this research for 9 weeks. Several graduate students (Vanessa Van Deusen, Karl Koehler, Candace Alagata, Alex Carsh, Melissa Ward, Leslie Booher, & Jessica Griffin) will mentor five undergraduate students as they assist on different projects at the CMIL for the summer.