CMIL Handbook (Download PDF) Information, guidelines, rules, and responsibilities of working at the CMIL.
CMIL Attributions (Download Word Document) Guidelines for the CMIL Contribution Series, conference badge formatting, and logo usage.
Research Activity Plan (Download Word Document) All researchers wishing to conduct research at the CMIL must fill out the Research Activity Plan (RAP). Please direct any questions regarding this process to the Lab Manager or Director.
Key Request Form (Open Google Form) Use this form to initiate the request for keys and/or a parking pass for access to the CMIL.
Volunteer Registration Form (Open Google Form) Any person working at the CMIL that is not a paid employee of the University or Research Foundation must be registered as a volunteer.
Diving & Boating Release and Waiver (Download PDF) For all volunteers that plan to assist while diving or on university boats.
Daily Float Plan (Download PDF) To post in dive locker for reporting daily diving and boating activities.
CMIL User Feedback Form (Open Google Form) Use this form to provide any comments, questions, complaints, or requests that you may have regarding the CMIL and its facilities.
Diving & Boating Issue Reporting Form (Open Google Form) Use this form to report any issues or incidents regarding the boats and vans at the CMIL, or pertaining to the Diving & Boating Program.