Make a Gift
There are many ways to support the staff, faculty, and students at CMI. One of the most effective things that you can do is to donate to our programs. We are seeking funding to support two main goals of CMI:
- To develop the research facilities at the CMIL by improving infrastructure, purchasing additional scientific equipment, and funding student research scholarships.
- To build and support the education and outreach programs provided by students involved in MEBSA in and around our community.
CMI Donations

Your generous gift will go towards funding the following initiatives:
CMIL wishlist
- Laboratory infrastrucure
- Shading for outdoor research areas
- Storage shed
- Laboratory equipment
- Student research scholarships
- Financial support will enable students to purchase necessary supplies and equipment to complete their research projects
- Student participation in scientific meetings
- Provide assistance to undergraduate and graduate students to travel to scientific meetings to present their research
- Water quality measurement probes (e.g. dissolved oxygen, pH)
MEBSA wishlist
- Marine Science Seminar Series
- We would like to host speakers from around California and beyond to present their research. This will increase our opportunities for collaborations and the overall quality of our research
- CMIL Open House
- Funding will enable us to improve our educational exhibits and broaden our reach to the San Diego community
- Outreach initiatives
- Making Waves (High school visitation program)
- San Diego Science Alliance (SDSA) High Tech Fair
- Tidepooling programs
- “So you think you can be a marine biologist” seminars