Cost Recovery Program
We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Coastal and Marine Institute Laboratory (CMIL) Cost Recovery account for the paid use of boats, vehicles, SCUBA tanks, and staffing time by external users and institutions. Externals users include non-SDSU affiliates, SDSU Research Foundation employees, and internal SDSU departments outside of the Biology Department. This Cost Recovery account is administered by the College of Sciences and allows us to provide our services through a formal agreement to facilitate collaborative efforts here at CMIL, as well to recover the cost of operation. Rates are detailed below.

Any users interested in renting equipment from CMIL may contact the CMIL Laboratory Manager, Renee Angwin. Formal agreements initiated by the Laboratory Manager must be approved by the Interim CMIL Director, Luke Miller, prior to submission to the College of Sciences. As per the formal agreement, users wishing to rent equipment from CMIL are required to provide:
- fuel for all vessels and vehicles
- general liability insurance (auto and/or marine)
- diving and/or boating clearance to the Diving and Boating Safety Officer, Mike Anghera.
For users that do not wish to captain boat rentals or are not able to provide boating clearance, additional staffing time will be charged.
If you have any questions or if you would like inititite a rental, please contact the CMIL Laboratory Manager, Renee Angwin by email at, or by phone at (619) 221-0701.