Contribution Series

The Coastal and Marine Institute maintains a record of peer-reviewed publications from research performed wholly or in part at the Coastal and Marine Institute Laboratory.

1. Carson HS (2010) Population connectivity of the Olympia oyster in Southern California. Limnology and Oceanography 55:134-148.

2. Virata MJ, Zeller RW (2010) Ascidians: an invertebrate chordate model to study Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis. Disease Models and Mechanisms 3:377-385.

3. Edwards MS, Kim KY (2010) Diurnal variation in relative photosynthetic performance in giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) at different depths as estimated using PAM fluorometry. Aquatic Botany 92:119-128.

4. Moore EC, Hovel KA (2010) Relative influence of habitat complexity and proximity to patch edges on seagrass epifaunal communities. Oikos 119:1299-1311.

5. Cheng BS, Hovel KA (2010) Biotic resistance to invasion along an estuarine gradient. Oecologia 164:1049-1059.

6. Farlin JP, Lewis LS, Anderson TW, Lai C-T (2010) Functional diversity of amphipods revealed by stable isotopes in an eelgrass ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series 420:277-281.

7. Fejtek SM, Edwards MS (2011) Elk kelp, Pelagophycus porra, distribution limited due to susceptibility of microscopic stages to high light. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 396:194-201.

8. Komoroske LM, Lewison RL, Seminoff JA, Deheyn DD, Dutton PH (2011) Pollutants and the health of green sea turtles resident to an urbanized estuary in San Diego, California. Chemosphere 84:544-552.

9. Lemons G, Lewison RL, Komoroske LM, Gaos A, Lai C-T, Dutton PH, Eguchi T, LeRoux R, Seminoff JA (2011) Trophic ecology of green sea turtles in a highly urbanized bay: insights from stable isotopes and mixing models. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 405:25-32.

10. Carney L, Bohonak AJ, Edwards MS, Alberto F (2013) Genetic and experimental evidence for a mixed age, mixed origin bank of kelp microscopic stages in southern California. Ecology 94:1955-1965.

11. Long JD, Hay ME (2012) The impact of trait-mediated indirect interactions in marine systems, pgs. 47-68, In: The Ecology and Evolution of Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions (Ohgushi T, Schmitz O, Holt R, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

12. Long JD, Cochrane E, Dolecal RE (2011) Previous disturbance enhances the negative effects of trampling on barnacles. Marine Ecology Progress Series 437:165-173.

13. Colvin MA, Hentschel BT (2011) Seasonal variability in the juvenile growth rate of an infaunal polychaete is related to major rain events. Limnology and Oceanography 56:2095-2102.

14. Matthews JA, Hentschel BT (2011) Measuring in-situ growth rates of an infaunal polychaete at different intertidal elevations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 442:111-121.

15. Evans L, Edwards MS (2011) Bioaccumulation of copper and zinc by the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. Algae 26:1-11.

16. Dodge CA, Edwards MS (2012) Seasonal variation in the effects of food availability on gametogenesis in the purple urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). Marine Biology 159:427-433.

17. Lannin RK, Hovel KA (2011) Variable prey density modifies the effects of seagrass habitat structure on predator-prey interactions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 442:59-70.

18. Komoroske LM, Lewison RL, Seminoff JA, Deutschman DD, Deheyn DD (2012) Trace metals in an urbanized estuarine sea turtle food web in San Diego Bay, California. Science of the Total Environment 417-418:108-116.

19. Matthews JA, Hentschel BT (2012) In-situ rates of body growth and palp regeneration of a spionid polychaete following simulated sublethal predation. Marine Biology 159:1039-1048.

20. Lewis LS, Anderson TW (2012) Top-down control of epifauna by fishes enhances seagrass production. Ecology 93:2746-2757.

21. Tait KJ, Hovel KA (2012) Do predation risk and food availability modify prey and mesopredator microhabitat selection in eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 426:60-67.

22. McDonald BD, Madrak SV, Lewison RL, Seminoff JA, Eguchi T (2012) Home ranges of East Pacific green turtles, Chelonia mydas, in a highly urbanized temperate foraging ground. Marine Ecology Progress Series 461:211-221.

23. McDonald BD, Lewison RL (2013) Fine scale diel movement of the East Pacific green turtle, Chelonia mydas, in a highly urbanized environment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 443:56-64.

24. Dolecal, RE, Long JD (2013) Ephemeral macroalgae display spatial variation in relative palatability. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 442:233-237.

25. Morton DN, Anderson TW (2013) Spatial patterns of invertebrate settlement in giant kelp forests. Marine Ecology Progress Series 485:75-89.

26. Withy-Allen KR, Hovel KA (2013) California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) movement behavior and habitat use: implications for the effectiveness of marine protected areas. Marine and Freshwater Research 64:359-371.

27. Jones CL, Anderson TW, Edwards MS (2013) Evaluating eelgrass site quality by the settlement, performance, and survival of a marine fish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 445:61-68.

28. Long JD, Porturas L (2013) Seaweed traits linked to wave exposure determine predator avoidance behaviors. Marine Ecology Progress Series 483:133-142.

29. VanMeter K, Edwards MS (2013) The effects of mysid grazing on kelp zoospore survival and settlement. Journal of Phycology 49:896-901.

30. Coates JH, Hovel KA, Butler JL, Klimley AP, Morgan SG (2013) Movement and home range of pink abalone Haliotis corrugata: implications for restoration and population recovery. Marine Ecology Progress Series 486:189-201.

31. Long JD, Toth G, Pavia H (2013) Proximate and ultimate causes for transatlantic variation in seaweed defenses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 493:83-89.

32. Castorani MCN, Hovel KA, Williams SL, Baskett ML (2014) Disturbance facilitates the coexistence of antagonistic ecosystem engineers in California estuaries. Ecology 95:2277-2288.

33. Coates JH, Hovel KA (2014) Incorporating movement and reproductive asynchrony in a simulation model of fertilization success for a marine broadcast spawner. Ecological Modelling 283:8-18.

34. Coates JH, Hovel KA, Butler JL, Bohonak AJ (2014) Recruitment and recovery of pink abalone (Haliotis corrugata) in a historically overexploited kelp forest: are local populations self-sustaining? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 460:184-192.

35. Dolecal RE, Long JD (2014) Chemically mediated foraging by subtidal marine predators: a field test of tritrophic cues. Marine Ecology Progress Series 498:161-171.

36. Long JD, Porturas LD (2014) Herbivore impacts on marsh production depend upon a compensatory continuum mediated by salinity stress. PLOS ONE 9:e110419.

37. Brown MB, Edwards MS, Kim KY (2014) Effects of climate change on the physiology of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, and grazing by purple urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Algae 29:203-215.

38. Castorani MCN, Hovel KA (2015) Invasive prey indirectly increase predation on their native competitors. Ecology 96:1911-1922.

39. Nichols KD, Segui L, Hovel KA (2015) Effects of predators on sea urchin density and habitat use in a southern California kelp forest. Marine Biology 162:1227-1237.

40. Harrington AM, Hovel KA (2016) Patterns of shelter use and their effects on the relative survival of subadult California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus). Marine and Freshwater Research 67:1153-1162.

41. Nichols TA, Anderson TW,  Širović A (2015) Intermittent boat noise induces physiological stress in a coastal marine fish. PLOS ONE 10:e0139157.

42. Renick VC, Wienersmith K, Vidal-Dorsch D, Anderson TW (2015) Effects of a pesticide and a parasite on neurological, endocrine, and behavioral responses of an estuarine fish. Aquatic Toxicology 170:335-343.

43. Castorani MCN, Hovel KA (2016) Native predator chemical cues induce anti-predation behaviors in an invasive marine bivalve. Biological Invasions 18:169-181.

44. Hovel KA, Warneke AM, Virtue-Hilborn SP, Sanchez AE (2016)  Mesopredator foraging success in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.): relative effects of epiphytes, shoot density, and prey abundance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 474:142-147.

45. Miller L, Long JD (2015) A tide prediction and tide height control system for laboratory mesocosms. PeerJ 3:e1442.

46. Dunn RP (2016) Tool use by a temperate wrasse, California sheephead Semicossyphus pulcher. Journal of Fish Biology 88:805-810.

47. Borras-Chavez R, Edwards MS, Arvizu-Higuera DL, Rodriguez-Montesinos YE, Hernández-Carmona G, Briceño-Dominguez D (2016) Repetitive harvesting of Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae) and its effects on chemical constituents of economic value. Botanica Marina 59:63-71.

48. Morton DN, Bell TW, Anderson TW (2016) Spatial synchrony of amphipods in giant kelp forests. Marine Biology 163:32.

49. Colvin MA, Hentschel BT, Deheyn DD (2016) Combined effects of water flow and copper concentration on the feeding behavior, growth rate, and accumulation of copper in tissue of the infaunal polychaete Polydora cornuta. Ecotoxicology 25:1720-1729.

50. Sievers KT, Barr RJ, Maloney JM, Driscoll NW, Anderson TW (2016) Impact of habitat structure on fish populations in kelp forests at a seascape scale. Marine Ecology Progress Series 557:51-63.

51. Haggerty JM, Dinsdale EA (2017) Distinct biogeographic patterns of marine microbial taxonomy and functional genes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26:177-190.

52. Morris MM, Haggerty JM, Papudeshi BN, Vega AA, Edwards MS, Dinsdale EA (2016) Nearshore pelagic microbial community abundance affects recruitment success of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1800.

53. Shukla P, Edwards MS (2017) Elevated pCO2 is less detrimental than increased temperature to early development of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales). Phycologia 56:638-648.

54. Dunn RP, Baskett ML, Hovel KA (2017) Interactive effects of predator and prey harvest on ecological resilience of rocky reefs. Ecological Applications 27:1718-1730.

55. Rinehart SA, Schroeter SC, Long JD (2017) Density-mediated indirect effects from active predators and narrow habitat domain prey. Ecology 98:2653-2661.

56. Yeager ME, Hovel KA (2017) Structural complexity and fish body size interactively mediate seagrass habitat optimality. Oecologia 185:257-267.

57. Hentschel BT, Hayman NT, Anderson TW (2018) Hydrodynamic mediation of killifish predation on infaunal polychaetes. Limnology and Oceanography 63:S19-S29.

58. Jones E, Long JD (2017) The relative strength of an herbivore-induced seaweed defense varies with herbivore species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 581:33-44.

59. Haggerty MB, Anderson TW, Long JD (2018) Fish predators reduce kelp frond loss via a trait-mediated trophic cascade. Ecology 99:1574-1583.

60. Rinehart S, Long JD (2018) Habitat use is linked to resource-specific performance of an ecologically important marsh predator. Ecosphere 9:e02273.

61. Jones E, Long JD (2018) Geographic variation in the sensitivity of an herbivore-induced seaweed defense. Ecology 99:1748-1758.

62. Voight E, Hovel KA (2019) Eelgrass structural complexity mediates mesograzer herbivory on epiphytic algae. Oecologia 189:199-209.

63. Hayman NT, Hentschel BT, Renick VC, Anderson TW (2019) Combined effects of flow speed and sub-lethal insecticide exposure on predator-prey interactions between the California killifish and an infaunal polychaete. Ecotoxicology 28:117-131.

64. Dunn RP, Hovel KA (2019) Experiments reveal limited top-down control of key herbivores in southern California kelp forests. Ecology 100:e02625.

65. Rinehart S, Long JD (2019) Conspecifics, not pollen, reduce omnivore prey consumption. PLOS ONE 14:e0215264.

66. Dunn RP, Hovel KA (2020) Predator type influences the frequency of functional responses to prey in marine habitats. Biology Letters 16: 20190758. 

67. Hayman NT, Hentschel BT, Richardson K, Anderson TW (2020) Combined effects of predation, flow speed, and sub-lethal exposure to insecticide on the feeding behavior of a spionid polychaete. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 524:151319.

68. Ledbetter JF, Hovel KA (2020) Effects of a habitat-modifying eelgrass epibiont on predator success and epifaunal survival. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 526:151333.

69. Sullaway GH, Edwards MS (2020) Impacts of the non-native alga, Sargassum horneri, on benthic primary production in a California kelp forest. Marine Ecology Progress Series 637:45-57.

70. Jenkinson RS, Hovel KA, Dunn RP, Edwards MS (2020) Biogeographical variation in the distribution, abundance, and interactions among key species on rocky reefs of the northeast Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 648:51-65.

71. Spector M, Edwards MS (2020) Species-specific biomass drives macroalgal benthic primary production on temperate rocky reefs. Algae 35:237-252.

72. Beckley BA, Edwards MS (2021) Mechanisms leading to recruitment inhibition of Macrocystis pyrifera by an understory alga. Marine Ecology Progress Series 657:59-71.

73. Small SL, Edwards MS (2021) Thermal tolerance may slow, but not prevent, the spread of Sargassum horneri (Phaeophyceae) along the California, USA and Baja California, MEX coastline. Journal of Phycology 57:903-915.

74. Bewes E, Booher L, Polizzi T, Long C, Kim J, Edwards MS (2021) Effects of salinity and nutrients on metabolism and growth of Ulva lactuca: implications for bioremediation of coastal watersheds. Marine Pollution Bulletin 166:112199.

75. Walker JB, Grosholz ED, Long JD (2021) Predicting burrowing crab impacts on salt marsh plants. Ecosphere 12:e03803.

76. Rinehart S, Long JD (2022) Numerical responses of omnivorous arthropods to plant alternative resources suppress prey populations: a meta-analysis. Ecology 103:e3623.

77. Spitzer CS, Anderson TW, Sikkel PC (2022) Habitat associations and impacts on a juvenile fish host by a temperate gnathiid isopod. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 17:65-73.

78. Angwin RE, Hentschel BH, Anderson TW (2022) Gonad enhancement of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, collected from barren grounds and fed prepared diets and kelp. Aquaculture International 30:1353-1367.

79. Walker JB, Rinehart S, Greenberg-Pines G, White WK, DeSantiago R, Lipson DA, Long JD (2022) Aboveground competition influences density-dependent effects of cordgrass on sediment biogeochemistry. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8722.

80. Rosenblatt SE, Wetmore LS, Anderson TW (2022) Impacts of an invasive alga on recruitment of a temperate reef fish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 551:151733.

81. Miller L (2022) Monitoring bivalve behavior and physiology in the laboratory and field using open source tools. Integrative and Comparative Biology 0:1-15.

82. Knight CJ, Dunn RP, Long JD (2022) Conspecific cues, not starvation, mediate barren urchin response to predation risk. Oecologia 199:859-869.

83. Breaker LC, Miller L (2023) One hundred years of daily sea surface temperature from the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California: a review of the history, acquisition and significance of the record. Oceanography and Marine Biology: A Review.

84. Rinehart SA, Dybiec JM, Richardson P, Walker JB, Peabody JD, Cherry JA (in press) Researcher effects on the biological structure and edaphic conditions of field sites and implications for management. Ecosphere. 

85. Dolinar D, Edwards M (2021) The zombification and reanimation of purple urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) in response to macroalgal availability. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 545:151646.

86. Truong, AT, Edwards, MS, & Long, JD (2024). Season-specific impacts of climate change on canopy-forming seaweed communities. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e10947.

87. Wetmore, L & Anderson, TW (2024). Apparent differential phenotypic responses by kelp forest grazers to disease-driven removal of sea star predators. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291 n2036: 20241378

88. Koehler, K & Hovel, KA (2024). Eelgrass habitat structure affects epifaunal biodiversity and community composition but not the distribution of functional traits among taxa. Marine Ecology Progress Series 751: 37-52